Traditional human-machine interface (HMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) architectures for mission-critical automation control have served industry well, but there is always room for improvement. With digitalisation comes an edge-computing-based approach that redefines what “good” looks like in a monitoring and control system architecture.
Modern Edge Computing platforms solve many common challenges faced by engineers when deploying or operating HMI and SCADA in their automation and control systems. This paper describes what an improved and fortified industrial control system architecture looks like; the inherent advantages of Edge Computing for resolving persistent challenges; and proof points from an oil & gas industrial organizsation, materials manufacturer, and specialty chemical company whose control systems are benefitting from the transition to a single edge platform.
Edge Computing is a distributed computing framework that collects, processes, and stores crucial information close to the edge — where it is produced or consumed — rather than in a centralised server or data center. But what does that mean for an industrial control system infrastructure?
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